Annual Celebration Business Meeting in June
As members of the Board and staff collectively considered AC 2022, we gave weight to the preference of many that at least the “business” portions of the meeting continue to be held virtually, thereby making it accessible to all. This will be the case for 2022: the Annual Celebration Business Meeting will take place via Zoom on Saturday, June 11, 2022 with check in starting at 8:30AM.
Thursday and Friday, June 9 & 10 will also have preview meetings of core business, a State of the Conference address, an update on the Tributary Fund grants from 2021, recognitions of church and clergy anniversaries, among other things. More particulars on the agenda will be shared soon. For now, save the dates: Thursday, June 9 – Saturday, June 11, 2022 for Annual Celebration Business Meeting.
Annual Celebration Engagement Events in the Fall
Of course, no Annual Celebration would be complete without the opportunity to engage deeply in theological thought that is appropriate for the times in which we minister. To that end, we are expanding the theme we engaged last year: “Church Anew II”. In separate engagements after the June Business Meeting, all delegates, members of the clergy, and leaders throughout the Conference will be invited to a deeper dive into the “Revolutionary Love” work we began last year with our keynoter Valarie Kaur. Erin and Anthony are designing those sessions to touch our hearts and the lives of the churches we lead today. Those additional Annual Celebration opportunities will be announced shortly.
Potential In-Person Gathering in August
And, beyond all that, we are contemplating a face-to-face gathering at LaForet in late summer 2022. I would ask you to kindly complete the attached survey to let us know if you are interested in an in-person gathering (dates TBD and likely the 3rd week of August). Click here for the survey link.
To participate in this event you are required to register in order that a Zoom link can be sent to you. Click here to go to the registration page. Registration closes on June 6, 2022
2022 Annual Celebration Schedule (posted 5/5/22)
Everything you need for the Annual Meeting can be found here:
- Standing Rules (posted 4/12/22)
- Resolution Guidelines (posted 4/12/22)
- Secretary’s Report (revised posted 6/10/22)
- 2021 AC Minutes for Approval (posted 4/29/22)
- 2022 ACM Report Rev Erin Gilmore (posted 5/2/22)
- 2022 ACM Report Rev Dr Anthony Scott (posted 5/2/22)
- 2022 CM Report Rev Sue Artt (posted 5/5/22)
- 2022 Consent Agenda (posted 5/5/22)
- 2022 Nominating Report (posted 5/5/22)
- Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual (posted 5/5/22)
- Balance Sheet (posted 5/5/22)
- 2022-2023 Budget for AC Approval (posted 5/5/22)
- 2022-2023 Interpretive Budget (posted 5/5/22)
Thursday Session Videos
- Annual Celebration Call to Order
- Opening Worship
- Church Anew II — A Panel Discussion
- Business Preview — Financial & Budget, Nominating Slate
Friday Session
Tributary Fund Videos
Saturday Session
How will the business meeting work?
On the morning of June 11, for the business meeting, you will need to “check in” prior to 8:50 am. If you have not joined the meeting by 8:50 am, you will be marked as “not present” and will be unable to vote. We will ask you to check in by the first letter of your last name:
A – G, 8:30 am
H – N, 8:35 am
O – Z, 8:45 am
We will have a roll call vote for the business items presented.
This year, we will ask each RMC church to contribute $100 to share the costs of the Annual Celebration; each church will receive information on this in the near future. This $100 contribution will be the full registration fee for your church’s delegates, pastor(s), and as many visitors as you’d like! We hope this encourages wide participation across the Conference. Each delegate, clergy member, or visitor will need to register in order to receive Zoom invitations to each event, but it will cost them nothing to register.
If you need any help at all navigating the schedule, registration, or participation in these events, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at