Church Dues & Offerings

If you’d prefer to mail your church’s offering to the RMC office, please make checks payable to Rocky Mountain Conference UCC, and download this check form to include with your contribution. Please send all materials to the mailing address listed below:

Financial Associate

303 S. Broadway Ste 200-330

Denver, CO 80209

If you’d like to make an offering online instead of mailing in a check, please read the giving descriptions below, choose your category, and click the appropriate link to reach the RMC’s Tithely page.

Types of Giving

Our Church’s Wider Minister (OCWM)

The intent of OCWM is to support the wider church workings of the local conference and the national setting. In Rocky Mountain, we pass 15% to National for their ministries, and retain 85% for our ministries here — of course, that supports the programming and staff of the conference. This is what we spoke of with a goal of 3%. To donate to this fund, click the button below to visit the RMC’s Tithely page. In the “Give to” dropdown menu in the top right corner, choose the “OCWM Basic Support” category.

Friends of the Conference

100% of these donations stay in the conference. For some churches who do not want to support the more progressive National agenda, they prefer to send their dollars to support the conference directly. To donate to this fund, click the button below to visit the RMC’s Tithely page. In the “Give to” dropdown menu in the top right corner, choose the “Friends of the Conference” category.

Church Per Capita

Per Capita (some folks call this “due”) is set at $15/member or participant (however the local church defines) on an annual basis. All of this stays in the conference and helps off set the administrative and communications aspects of the conference — the things that keep us tied together. In this old days, this would have supported a paper newsletter and the sending of, etc., but today it supports the electronic gears that provide information flow throughout the conference. This is paid in addition to an OCWM contribution. 15% goes to La Foret to support the programming there.

The 5-for-5 Offerings

The funds listed below are the five largest offerings in the Rocky Mountain Conference. The United Church of Christ National setting provides a 5-for-5 certificate every year to churches who give to each of these funds (regardless the amount). Each year, the RMC passes along the certificates to each 5-for-5 church based on the records of the National setting. Donations to these offerings is up to each individual church, and we invite you to read more about these funds as you make your decision. To donate to one of these offerings, please click the donate button below, and select the offering you wish to contribute to in the dropdown menu in the top right corner.

OCWM BASIC SUPPORT Provides funding from congregations for Conferences and the national ministries of the United Church of Christ (Wider Church Ministries, Local Church Ministries, Justice and Witness Ministries, General Ministries, and Pension Boards).

Neighbors in Need (NIN) is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). Two-thirds of this offering is used by the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants.

One Great Hour of Sharing The United Church of Christ responds to humanitarian and development needs in the world. Gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing® carries God’s message of love and hope to people in crisis. Through our work with local churches, conferences, international partners and organizations, One Great Hour of Sharing provides sources of clean water, food, education, health care, small business micro-credit loans, advocacy, resettlement for refugees and displaced persons, emergency relief and rehabilitation as well as disaster preparedness and response.

Strengthen the Church (STC) Offering reflects the shared commitment of people across the United Church of Christ to cooperatively build up the UCC. Conferences and the national setting equally share the gifts given by members and friends through their local congregations. The funds raised support leadership development, new churches, youth ministry, and innovation in existing congregations. By your generosity to this offering, you build up the Body of Christ.

The Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund is a Special Mission Offering that congregations have been supporting for over 100 years. The offering is administered through the United Church Board for Ministerial Assistance, the charitable arm of the Pension Boards. Funds provide direct financial support to those who serve the church and are facing financial difficulties.