Who We Are

The Rocky Mountain Conference is a community of 73 United Church of Christ (UCC) congregations across Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and grounded in the Gospel, our congregations build partnerships across our communities so we can authentically engage the unique needs of our neighbors and neighborhoods. We celebrate diversity, honor the gifts of all people, and seek justice and peace. We joyfully embrace all who wish to do the same. Through advocacy and stewardship, prayer and worship, we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ and to celebrate God’s presence in our lives and our communities.

Our Core Values

  • Extravagant Welcome – Throughout scripture, we see a God who is always challenging social boundaries and extending the divine embrace. We believe that the Christian faith and a welcoming spirit go hand in hand. No matter your age, gender expression, gender identity, sexuality, race, or abilities, we joyfully welcome you to the United Church of Christ. We’re excited to get to know you, learn more about your walk with God, and celebrate all that you are. No matter where you are in your spiritual life, you are welcome here.
  • Covenant – While honoring the autonomy of every believer and the sanctity of each individual’s walk with God, we also engage in covenantal relationship with the Holy, our neighbors, creation, and ourselves. We believe that God calls us closer to Jesus and closer to one another.
  • Enduring Faith – In the Gospel narratives, we see a God who dwells with us even in our most difficult moments. No matter our setbacks or our discouragements, we hold tight to our faith in the transformational work of the Holy Spirit.
  • Continuing Testament – We honor the divine revelations expressed in scripture. Inspired by this sacred history and by God’s presence in our lives, we boldly proclaim that God is still speaking today.
  • Changing Lives – When God speaks, the world changes. As we stay true to each other, strengthen our faith, embrace God’s presence in our lives, and celebrate all of God’s children, we know that life will not be the same. We believe that life changes for the better when we embrace our Creator and each other. Join us as we embrace the fullness of life and the joy of God’s invigorating presence.