Save the Date!
Annual Celebration 2025 will be happening on June 19th – 21st, 2025 in Loveland, CO! We’ll have more information to share in the coming weeks, but we encourage you to mark your calendars and save these dates.
Give a Presentation at Annual Celebration 2025
At Annual Celebration 2025 (happening June 19-21, 2025), we want the local churches of the RMC to get better connected with each other and with one another’s ministries. Local churches can help resource and equip one another as we each seek to be the church in these deeply challenging times. The Annual Celebration Planning Committee has carved out blocks in the Grand Agenda for individuals and/or churches to share presentations, workshops, or conversations about a ministry topic of their choice. How is your congregation uniquely living out one or more of the Just World Covenants of the UCC? Is there an area of ministry or a particularly successful project that you think other churches could learn from? What recent ministry experiences or community partnership efforts would you like to share with other churches?
Possible examples could include: explaining how your church has navigated the A2A process; explaining how your church has changing its relationship to its physical building; sharing how your church is partnering with an organization in your community; sharing about your church’s ONA journey; discussing your church’s approach to navigating tough political conversations.
Applications are due by February 26th, 2025. Please use this link to access the Google Form application page. Thank you!