The CWCOM Profile Series
Over the next several weeks, the Conference Wide Committee on Ministry (CWCOM) will share different aspects of our work in an effort to clarify different roles and responsibilities and point towards resources for additional information. If there are particular topics you would like included in this series, please email Ronda Connaway, Accountability Subcommittee co-chair at
As a starting point, we’d like to begin by introducing you to the UCC Manual on Ministry (aka MOM). MOM is an extensive resource that helps guide the work of Committees on Ministry. The Manual contains processes, guidelines, and best practices for the work of authorization, support, and oversight of Ministers. While extensive, these guidelines are not exhaustive and, as such, are designed to be considered with prayerful discernment and the particularities of context. Each segment in our series will include specific sections of MOM for further exploration of a given topic. The complete MOM can be found on the UCC’s website.
To learn more about the CWCOM and to get in-touch with its various subcommittee co-chairs, please visit the RMC’s CWCOM page.
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