The Formation and Authorization Subcommittee (FAS) relates to individuals seeking to become an authorized minister in the Rocky Mountain Conference. The FAS oversees processes for Members in Discernment (MID) seeking Ordination or Lay Ministerial Standing, Full Communion ministers seeking Ordained Ministerial Partner Standing (OMPS) ministers from other denominations seeking a Privilege of Call in the UCC, and Dual Standing for ministers of denominations other than the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) or the United Church of Canada who are serving UCC calls within bounds of the RMC. The FAS also works with New Church Starts and congregations seeking to affiliate with the UCC. The FAS organizes Ecclesiastical Councils (EC) for Ordination, Privilege of Call (POC), and the reception of local churches into the UCC. The FAS also works with ministers and congregations to hold ordinations and installations.
To learn more about these various processes, please consult the resources below:
- Minister in Discernment (MID) Authorization Process
- MID Application Form
- Psych Assessment resources
- Psychological Testing – What to Expect
- Marks Portfolio instructions for MIDs
- Privilege of Call (POC) Process
- To learn more about the process of becoming an Authorized Minister in the RMC, please consult the UCC Manual on Ministry.
- UCC History and Polity Courses
If your church is interested in learning more about the process to becoming a UCC church in the in the RMC, see the following:
Contact information: The FAS co-chair is Rev. Mark Pickett. You may contact him by sending an email to