Exempt Standing 101

What is Exempt Standing for Clergy with Ordained Ministerial Standing?

As liaison to retired RMC “retired clergy,” we are trying to educate folk about this “newish” standing.

WHY?  So that the arm of the CWCOM (Conference Wide Committee on Ministry) that works with retired clergy and those contemplating retirement, can offer support AND so that parish ministers who are their pastors can provide prayerful discernment with those in their congregations who are entering retirement and may be thinking of exempt standing.

WHY?  Recent conversations and visits have alerted us to the fact that there is a need for a broader common understanding of how we will live out “exempt standing” with grace in our Conference. 

HOW?  By referring to the Manual on Ministry (via this link, pg. 56-57) which gives us a working definition of “exempt standing”:

  • Minister covenants to no longer perform ANY acts of public ministry (includes weddings, funerals, pulpit supply, pastoral care, serving on Conference or Association Committees, etc)
  • Minister is no longer required to do boundary training or continuing education
  • Ministers DO continue to embody the UCC Ministerial Code and are obligated to processes of oversight.
  • Ministers will continue to complete Annual Information Reviews
  • The following understandings undergird our response to applications from ordained clergy who apply for “exempt standing”: retirement is a tender, vulnerable time of major personal transition that includes benefits, losses, and significant life changes- some welcome, some not
  • Retirement is an occasion for extending appreciation from RMC to our ordained clergy
  • Retirement is an occasion for COM to encourage/promote the support of informed, spiritual discernment to clergy in transition. 
  • The local church minister (or other trusted pastoral/spiritual counselor) is best suited to provide prayerful discernment in times of transition, including retirement 

Process for Obtaining Exempt Standing 

  • When an ordained minister chooses “exempt standing,” they complete the application (found via this link)or request one from our Registrar (by emailing comregistrar2@rmcucc.org). Once received, the Registrar assures the integrity of the administrative requirements and forwards the application for “exempt standing” to COM for approval/vote.
  • There is usually no reason for an application for “exempt standing” to be denied.
  • There are multiple, complex, and diverse reasons that ordained ministers apply for “exempt standing.”  Among those: physical, cognitive decline or incapacity; a disinclination or inability to meet the requirements of “active ministry” in retirement (again, please consult the Manual on Ministry via this link, specifically pages 56-57).

CWCOM will presume grace in all circumstances, honoring all who have served as ordained ministers.

As we build a common understanding of the procedures and purposes of “exempt standing,” CWCOM is determined to listen, learn, and determine together.  We request grace; we will initiate and respond to requests for conversations with individuals and constituent groups (like Associations, Communities of Practice or retired clergy gatherings for instance) throughout our Conference to address the work we take up on your behalf.

Blessings on your various ministries and keep the faith, my friends!                                                             

Ginger Taylor gingerhalespassage@gmail.com 

February 2025