Category: La Foret
Register for Confirmation Camp Today!
Registration Deadline: March 15, 2019 About the Camp Confirmation Camp is March 29-31, 2019. This is an opportunity for both youth and adults to experience the majority of a…
Spring Retreat Registration Now Open!
Hello Rocky Mountain Conference / Friends of La Foret, Our very first event of the year—Spring Youth Retreat—is now open for registration! Click here to register and view the event catalog….
RMC Office Must Receive All OCWM by Tuesday, January 8
Dear Beloved Churches of the RMC: Incredibly, 2018 is almost over. How did this happen? And, what does 2019 have in store for us? Although we have some ideas,…
Logan Bennett Hired as Dir. of Transformational Programs
Please see the below letters regarding the hiring of Logan Bennett at La Foret. The first letter is from Larry McCulloch and Rev. Sue Artt; the second is from Logan. …
“The Space Between the Beats” — Sue’s Post-Sabbatical Reflections
Dear Friends and Colleagues in the Rocky Mountain Conference, I don’t know how many times during my sabbatical I stopped to give thanks for your extreme kindness and generosity in…
We’re So Thankful for You!
To the beloved Pastors, Churches, and Leaders of the Rocky Mountain Conference: When someone asks us what it is that we do as the church, it’s difficult to offer a response…
Celebrating the Life & Legacy of Janet Lapp
Dear Rocky Mountain Conference Family: It is with a heavy heart that we tell you that our beloved Janet Lapp—member of Community UCC in Boulder, pillar of our shared ministry, and…
When you give to the RMC, what a difference you make!
Hello, faithful members of the RMC! It’s now easier than ever to support our Conference’s shared ministries! Just visit our “Give” Page or download the app for your device—it only takes…
Fall Spirit-Spirit Spark Retreat: Nov. 2–4 at La Foret
Registration is now open for Fall Jr/Sr-High Retreat at La Foret, Nov. 2–4, 2018! From November 2–4, 2018 at La Foret, Junior and Senior High campers from across the Rocky…