RMC Office Must Receive All OCWM by Tuesday, January 8

Dear Beloved Churches of the RMC:


Incredibly, 2018 is almost over. How did this happen? And, what does 2019 have in store for us?

Although we have some ideas, we can’t answer that definitively 🙂 We can say, however, that we were able to do some pretty amazing things together in 2018. Outdoor ministry, “In the Mud” grants, leadership trainings & retreats, church consulting, search & call, and so much more happened thanks to your generosity. About 70% of our funding comes from you—our churches—so it’s no hyperbole to say that we cannot do it without you.

We want to make 2019 a banner year in the RMC, and we need your help.

Are you in?

If so, one of the biggest things your church can do is to make sure we’ve received your 2018 OCWM in our office by Tuesday, January 8, 2019 (any OCWM received after that date will count toward 2019). By doing so, you’ll empower us to accurately record our 2018 finances, ensure your “5 for 5” status, and support the Board as they expand what it means to do ministry in our Conference and beyond.

Thank you for all that you are and everything you do. Remember that your church is truly a beacon of hope in your community, and that you are changing the world for the better.



Your RMC Staff
—Sue, Erin, Daryl, Janice, and Cory