Money Matters

Money Matters Resources

How can churches raise the funds necessary to do their best ministry?

How can we be good stewards of our resources and use them effectively for ministry? The Rocky Mountain Conference is here to help you and your congregation answer these tough questions and make fundraising a vital part of your ministry. Our church landscape is changing exponentially, and it can be difficult to follow the latest church best practices—let alone vet them and put them into practice!

The Money Matters Workshop was presented by the Rocky Mountain Conference atFirst Plymouth Congregational UCC in Englewood, CO, in March 2019. The Presenters were Andy DeBraber from OPTIC, Susan Mitchell, with Church Building and Loan Fund, Howard Hawkins, with United Church Funds, Don Hill, with Don Hill Consulting, and Matt Huntington, with the Insurance Board. The presenters have generously allowed us to share the resources they presented during the workshop with our wider conference.

These sessions covered some of the most powerful financial resources available and how to use them effectively. Please utilize these resources for your church.

Workshop I – Seven Ways to Increase Giving

Andy DeBraber, Office of Philanthropy, Technology, Identity & Communication

When used together, a major study showed that these seven elements will significantly boost giving in your congregation. Come learn what they are and how to implement them in your church.

Watch the Session:

Seven Ways to Increase Giving Presentation
Development Checklist 
Year-round Calendar 
Personal Finacial Resources

Workshop II – Repurposing Your Building for Revitalized Ministry

Rev. Susan Mitchell, Church Building and Loan Fund

This workshop offers strategies and examples of ways in which your church building can work for you to augment your ministries, increase your presence in the community, prioritize use of spaces, obtain funding for renovations and rehabilitation and more.

Watch the Session:

Repurposing Your Building for Revitalized Ministry Powerpoint Presentation
Church Building and Loan Fund –

Workshop III – Planned Giving: The Keys to Building a Successful and Sustainable Program

Howard Hawkins, United Church Funds, and Don Hill, Don Hill Consulting

An open forum discussion will provide an overview of planned giving, review best practices and explore how individuals and churches can achieve their stewardship goals.

Watch the Session

Planned Giving Presentation
United Church Funds –
Planned Giving Video – UCF Planned Giving Video
Planned Giving Microsite – UCF Planned Giving Microsite platformIRS –
Planned Giving Design Center —

Workshop Session IV – Insurance Board Resources

Matt Huntington, The Insurance Board

Learn about insurance benefits and best practices such as financial controls, cell tower leases, Hold Harmless Agreements and contracts with users of church facilities, your church and employees as a small business, and church accounting and QuickBooks.

Watch the Session

Insurance Board Resources Presentation
The Insurance Board –