In the Rocky Mountain Conference, we recognize that learning is a responsibility that continues throughout a minister’s lifetime. This occurs through education, experience, and exposure. Lifelong Learning is the umbrella term the Committee on Ministry uses to define this process, and it includes Antiracism Training, Healthy Ministry Relationships (Boundary) Training, and Continued Learning. The Supportive Oversight Committee of the Committee on Ministry is responsible for defining requirements and supporting Authorized Ministers in understanding and completing these requirements. If you have already completed a training, please email your certificate to
If you’re looking to complete any of your required trainings, please explore some of the upcoming sessions and providers listed below.
Upcoming Boundary Training Sessions
Trainings with the New York Conference
- March 26th, 2025: Boundary Awareness Training (BAT) Refresher Session
BAT Refresher sessions, with new material every two years, provide ministers with the resource to meet their ongoing requirement for BAT training. The New York Conference has a new curriculum designed to meet the specific needs of retired ministers who are still engaged in occasional ministry tasks like pulpit supply, weddings, and funerals. For currently retired ministers, Retiree BAT training will fulfill your association’s boundary awareness requirement. Those who have exempt status do not need to take BAT. BAT Refresher sessions last 5 ½ to 6 hours. Participants will need to be present for the entire training session(s) to receive completion credit. Timing of breaks and ultimate training duration will be contingent upon number of participants and is at the sole discretion of the facilitator. Please click this link to learn more and register.
- May 15th & 22nd, 2025: Basic BAT Session
Basic BAT is offered in two evening sessions of two hours each, with reading required before each session. Participants should buy Saying No to Say Yes, by Olsen and Devor, and read chapters 1 & 2 before the first session. Participants will need to be present for the entire training session(s) to receive completion credit. Timing of breaks and ultimate training duration will be contingent upon number of participants and is at the sole discretion of the facilitator. Please click this link to learn more and register.
Trainings with the Damascus Project
Please click this link to learn about the Damascus Project, an shared ministry of the Minnesota and Wisconsin UCC conferences. Please click on the dates below to register for a session.
Trainings with the Southern New England Conference, UCC
Please click this link to learn more about the Southern New England Conference of the UCC. Please click on the dates listed below to sign up for specific trainings.
- April 29th – 30th, 2025: Boundary Awareness Training 2.0
- June 12th, 2025: Boundary Awareness Training 2.0
Trainings with Enkei Resolutions
Please click this link to learn more about Enkei Resolutions and Diane Weible. Please click the dates below to register for a session.
Trainings with LeaderWise
Please click this link to learn more about LeaderWise. Please click on the dates below to sign up for a specific training.
Trainings with Convergence
Please click this link to learn more about Convergence CoLab, which offers a variety of virtual trainings that you can do on your own time, at your own pace. Click the link below to sign up for their current virtual boundary training sessions.
Trainings with the UCC’s Ministerial Excellence, Support & Authorization Team (MESA)
Please click this link to learn more about MESA. Right now, we don’t have any upcoming boundary trainings with MESA listed here, but we’ll add more trainings to this listing if/when MESA announces them.
Trainings for Retired Clergy
Retired Minister Boundary Training with the UCC’s Ministerial Excellence, Support & Authorization Team (MESA)
- March 19th, 2025: Boundary Awareness Training for Retired Clergy with Rev. Tara Barber and Rev. Melanie Oommen
MESA will be offering Retired Minister Boundary Training on March 19th at 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM MT via Zoom. Maintaining healthy boundaries is challenging at any stage in ministry and it is particularly tender and difficult attending to boundaries as we transition out of our last call, and while in retirement. “A Sure Foundation”, “The Ministerial Code” and Rev. Dr. Bruce Epperly’s new book, “The Jubilee Years” along with case studies, will provide the content of this training. This focused Boundary Awareness Training is for those entering and living in retirement. Note – This training completes individual requirements for boundary training ONLY WHEN authorized by a local Committee on Ministry. To receive credit for this training participants must be able to use zoom chat and breakout room functions and must be on screen for the duration of the training. Please click this link to learn more and to register.
Upcoming Anti-Racism Training Sessions
Trainings with Convergence
Please click this link to learn more about Convergence CoLab, which offers a variety of virtual trainings that you can do on your own time, at your own pace. Click the link below to sign up for their current virtual boundary training sessions.
Trainings with Enkei Resolutions
Please click this link to learn more about Enkei Resolutions and Diane Weible. Please click the dates below to register for a session.
Trainings with the Southern New England Conference, UCC
Starting in late January 2025, the SNEC will be offering a new workshop called “Animating Antiracism in Faith Formation.” They will be offering multiple cohorts that include two-day intensives and cohorts that meet weekly for several weeks. Please use this link to visit their website to learn more about these offerings and to register.
Additional Opportunities
For additional trainings, including learning opportunities for MIDs, please see the links below. For more trainings for lay leaders, please visit our lay leader education page.
- Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025: Fitness Review Response Team Training
When an unexpected fitness review comes our way, the CWCOM (Conference Wide Committee on Ministry) wants to be as prepared as possible. Part of this preparedness is having a trained Response Team that is ready to be activated as part of the Interview Team or as a Process Guide. The next training for BOTH clergy and lay will be held via Zoom with Rev. Tara Barber from the National Setting on April 2, 5-6:30 Mountain Time.
This is not boundary training; this is for those people wishing to help our Conference when the Committee on Ministry is tasked with conducting a Fitness review which is a serious proceeding that involves a reassessment of an individual’s overall fitness for ministry in and on behalf of the United Church of Christ.If you have questions about this training, you can contact Ronda Connaway at: Please click this link to learn more and register.
- Sunday, April 6th, 2025 at 4:30 PM MT: MID Advisor Training
If you are currently working with an MID (Member in Discernment, formerly Person In Care) as their Advisor OR if you would like to walk alongside an MID on this special journey toward authorized ministry, please join us! Hopefully, you had a special mentor on your journey and now you have the chance to pay it forward, working with one of our MIDs. As you bless them with your wisdom and experience, you will be blessed, as well. There’s no need to register for this event. Just click this link to join the conversation via Zoom (passcode is cw5MHepmw).