The Interfaith Network on Mental Illness (INMI) presents Life After Suicide: On the Journey with Pain, Loss, Resilience, and Faith.
Join us for a panel discussion by those who have experienced suicide loss. The panelists will speak from their unique faith tradition, along with their own reflections. Panelists include Rabbi Fred Green, Jane Anna Furguson, and Alan Johnson, a co-founder of INMI. There will be music and counselors available. This event will be held on Wednesday, May 15, from 6:30-8:30 pm at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church at 3700 Baseline, Boulder CO.
INMI offers written and web resources, consultation, free presentations, and guidelines for starting Mental Health Ministries and/or Spiritual Support Groups for Mental Health and Wellness. INMI offers two free programs/conferences per year in the Boulder County area.