Invitation to Annual Celebration 2024

Announcing This Year’s Theme for Annual Celebration

2024 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Rocky Mountain Conference! Looking back through the conference’s founding documents, it’s clear that such a creation was possible because those who came before us were able and willing to adapt to the ever changing needs of those they were called to serve.  Over the last 50 years, this conference has continued to adapt and bend as it lives out the call to build and reflect a gospel-shaped world. 

This anniversary comes at a moment when all settings of the church are in the middle of another adaptation and navigating new bends in the road that we’ve never before faced.  This year’s Annual Celebration will create space for us to share intentional conversation about adapting as a conference, as associations, and as local churches in response to the changing needs of our communities.

In the opening pages of Bend, a Lent devotional by the Stillspeaking Writers Group, Rev. Molly Baskette reflects on 2 Corinthians 4: 8-10: “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our bodies.”

She writes: “Paul wrote the words above to the church in Corinth. It was his second letter to them, which implies ongoing issues. In it he promises that no matter what kind of pain is piled on them, no matter how the world tries to shatter their fragile utopia, they will not be destroyed. Lean into it, he implies. You’ll be ok. Better than ok.” 

Like a tree that bends with the wind, or a river that bends with a mountain, what does it mean for us as Church to bend with the Spirit? What does it look like to lean into the places that cause us anxiety? And, what possibilities await us when we pay attention to the needs of those in our communities? 

New this Year: Youth Track

In keeping with this year’s intention of leaning into change, we’d like to invite 1-2 youth (ages 15-18)  from every congregation to be part of this year’s Annual Celebration. There will be special programming led by youth leaders from across our conference that will run parallel with the adult programming, with periodic opportunities to come together across generations. This is a wonderful opportunity for youth to experience La Foret, build new friendships, and be part of a conference wide youth community. 

Annual Conference Full Agenda coming soon! 

In honor of the 50th anniversary, we will devote each of our days to the past, present, and future. On Thursday, we focus on the history of the RMC and all of the incredible leaders who have brought us to this milestone. As we remember where we have been and honor those who have gone before us, we hope that this celebration of our past will invigorate and inspire us for the days ahead. 

Friday’s events and conversations will focus on the present. During the Friday morning sessions, we will focus on our local churches and how we are reimagining church spaces as we seek to meet the needs of those we are called to serve in the post-COVID world.  Rev. Dr. Courtney Stange-Tregear, the Chief Relationship Officer of the Cornerstone Fund, will be with us, along with several other partners in the mission of reimagining church spaces. We will hear and share stories from across the conference about congregations repurposing their buildings, connecting with mission-aligned partners, and being church without buildings. Then, on Friday afternoon, we will transition to our business meeting, which will include the 2024-2025 annual budget, the nominating slate, future conference leadership, and any resolutions that are brought forward by the conference. Finally, we’ll conclude the day with a celebration banquet.

On Saturday, we’ll turn our gaze toward the future as we reimagine new visions for the next 50 years of the RMC. Associations will have time to gather in the morning to be in conversation about purpose and possibilities and how this particular setting of the church can respond to the changing landscape of church. We will make commitments to the coming years ahead and we will be led in worship by the youth of our conference. 

Registration and Pricing 

Below, you can read more about registration prices and discount codes for Annual Celebration. You can also visit the RMC website for more details. When you’re ready to register, please do so via Eventbrite.

For those who wish to stay at La Foret the total cost for registration and lodging: $325

For those who wish to stay offsite: $225 

For youth: $175

For virtual participation: $50 

We are offering additional discounts for retired clergy, members in discernment, and for those who are traveling more than 400 miles round-trip to attend in-person. Emails with those discount codes have been sent out to you, so please check your inboxes or SPAM folders.

Exhibitors/Vendors and a Call for Photos & Reflections

We welcome covenant partners/organizations/individuals who wish to set up a display table in the back of Inglis Hall during our Annual Celebration to share their ministry and highlight opportunities for partnership. If you would like to have a table please contact

At this year’s Annual Celebration, we’re excited to honor the 50th anniversary of the RMC, and we want your church’s story to be part of our conversations and celebrations! Clergy and church members are encouraged to send photos and written reflections about their church to

When you send your photos, which can feature church members, church events, or just about anything related to the life of your church, please provide a caption with some context about the image (for example, “Here’s a snapshot of the members of Community Spirit UCC on Easter morning!”).

In your written reflections (which can be as long or as brief as you like), we’d love for you to speak to some of the following questions: What aspects of your church are you most proud of? What achievements would you like to honor? And, how has your congregation changed over the years to meet the needs of your community?

We look forward to growing, reflecting, and celebrating together this June! Please visit the Annual Celebration Eventbrite to register, and please reach out to Allison if you have additional questions.