Introducing the NEW Resource Repository for RMC Churches!

Over the last several months, the Best Practices “So-That” team (Cory Kibler and David Bristow, with support from Judy Baillie and Martha Jones) has worked to create a platform that can help churches share their experience and wisdom with one another. This has manifested as an open-source Resource Repository, just published to our website.

Now that the first iteration of this Repository live, we invite you to dive in, try it out, and explore the resources contained within! For now, there are seven (7) main resource categories:

  • Communications
  • Legal
  • Financial
  • Church Vitality
  • Polity & Ethics
  • Conference Business
  • Outdoor Ministry

You can access each folder by clicking on the folder name in the top-navigation of the Resource Library. Just a handful of popular resources include a press release template, church website guidelines, RMC Board meeting minutes, camper health forms, and legal memorandums from the UCC meant to protect your church from litigation. New resources will be added all the time!

Speaking of adding more resources:

Our Big Hope is that you—our churches—will contribute your resources as well! There’s a bevy of wisdom in each congregation, and we hope you consider submitting any resource that may help other churches.

To submit resources, visit the Resource Repository and fill out the Google Form at the bottom of the page, where you’ll also be able to attach your resource(s). Resources don’t have to be formal or “professional” looking, and they don’t need to fit into any of the pre-existing categories. Even if you’re not sure if it will help anyone, we invite you to submit it—you never know what might help a church in need.

If you have any feedback as you explore the Resource Repository, please let us know.

Thank you for your incredible ministry!

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