Black Forest Community Church Host an Impressive Line-Up of Guests on Podcast

Black Forest Community Church has had some great guests on their podcast, Jesus Has Left the Building!

We think you will recognize a few folks as they are doing national work around justice and peace, as well as the UCC’s own Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer.  Sarah Jackson is local to Denver and runs Casa de Paz and Hannah Martin is in COS and runs the Sanctuary Coalition here.  Both are doing amazing immigration work.  Drew Hart’s new book journeyed with us through this first season- the book is amazing: Who Will Be A Witness. In fact, the Mennonite denomination purchased his book for every ordained clergy.  It really is a must-read! I am sure you know Shane Claiborne, and Mike Martin runs RawTools here in the Springs.  They are both working to end gun violence. 

That’s just the first season! 

This Season they are featuring Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis who pastors Middle Collegiate and Rev. Dr. Stephany Rose, a local and national public servant, as well as some more local voices.  

You can access these episodes at Black Forest Community Church website or Spotify or Apple Podcasts. 
Thank you to Rev. Marta Fioriti and Mandy Todd for sharing this with the RMC!

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