Elected Positions within the RMC

Please fill out the 2024 Nomination Form to nominate yourself or someone else for these positions.

Board of Directors

Moderator. The Moderator presides at all meetings of the Conference. The Moderator is President of the Conference and chairperson of the Board and reports all findings and acts of the Board to the Conference at the Annual Celebration or at such other times as the Moderator or the Board shall determine to be appropriate. Moderator is a one year term, eligible for a second term.

Vice Moderator. The Vice Moderator performs the duties of the Moderator in case of absence or inability to act or by request of the Moderator and perform other duties as specified in the Bylaws or by the Board. The Vice Moderator is a member of the Nominating Committee and serves as the chairperson of the Committee. One year term, eligible for a second term.

Treasurer: The Treasurer is custodian of all funds, securities and personal property belonging to or entrusted to or in any manner committed to the care or custody of the Conference. The Treasurer disburses, pay over, and deliver same as authorized in the Conference budget, or as ordered by the Board. The Treasurer makes reports to the Board and an Annual Report to the Conference. The Treasurer chairs the Finance Committee. Two year term, eligible for a second term.

Chair of the Personnel Committee: Empowers the work of the Personnel Committee and serves on the Board of Directors. Two year term, eligible for a second term.

Lay Leader Liaison: The primary responsibility of the lay leader liaison is to support and advocate for lay leadership in the conference. Two year term, eligible for a second term.

Racial Justice Representative (in development): Serves on the Racial Justice team and is a liason of the work of that team to the Board. 

Climate Justice Representative (in development): Participates in the climate justice league and is a liaison of the work of that team to the Board.

Conference Wide Committee on Ministry Representative: Serves on a section of the Committee on Ministry and serves as a liason of the work of the COM to the Board and the work of the Board to the COM.

Association Representatives: The Association Representative establishes and maintains communication for mutual understanding and cooperation between the RMC Board of Directors (BOD) and the representative’s association and its churches. In this role, you will act as the middle person between the BOD and your association and its churches to improve communications and generally ensure that the relationship is as beneficial as possible to all parties. Three year term. Not eligible for a second term. Association Representatives nominated from their Association

New Ministry Development: A primary responsibility of this board position will be to provide leadership in overseeing the Tributary Fund grant application process and the In the Mud Grant process, selection of grantees, and supporting oversight of those projects and programs. This is a two-year term that can be renewed once.


Finance Committee.  This committee’s primary responsibilities are to develop a budget to present to the Board and then the conference for approval, present recommendations to the Board regarding budget adjustments, conduct a continuing review of Conference accounting and financial management procedures, and propose, oversee and evaluate the management of liquid assets, and long term assets of the Conference: the investment portfolio and capital assets. Experience in finance and accounting is helpful but not required. These positions have a term of two years that could be renewed once. Generally meets every other month unless otherwise needed.

Nominating Committee. This committee’s primary responsibilities are to identify persons with particular skills and gifts for the open positions on the board and committees of the RMC and recommend these persons to be elected at the Annual Meeting of the RMC. 

RMC Endowment Fund Board of Trustees.  The Trustees of the Endowment Fund maintains the conference relationship with the professional financial managers at the UCC national setting who invest the Conference endowment as well as endowments of churches in the conference who have asked the conference to manage their endowment. This committee also authorizes disbursements from endowments in accordance with the terms of each endowment. Terms are three years and can be renewed once. Meets 4 times a year.

Conference Wide COM

There are three sections of the Conference Wide Committee on Ministry: Formation and Authorization, Supportive Oversight and Accountability. 

The Formation and Authorization Subcommittee is responsible for all persons seeking authorization or Standing in the RMC, except for Licensure and Lay Ministerial Standing.  The FAS oversees processes for Members in Discernment,  Ordination, Full Communion ministers seeking Ordained Ministerial Partner Standing (OMPS) and ministers from other denominations seeking a Privilege of Call in the UCC. The FAS also works with New Church Starts and congregations seeking to affiliate with the UCC.  The FAS organizes Ecclesiastical Councils for Ordination, Privilege of Call, and the reception of local churches into the UCC. The FAS also works with ministers and congregations to hold ordinations. 

The Supportive Oversight Subcommittee is relates to all Authorized Ministers (ordained, licensed, commissioned, OMPS, dual standing) who hold standing in the RMC, providing on-going support and resourcing for the continued authorization for professional ministry. The SOS determines requirements for standing and in collaboration with Conference staff provides clergy with opportunities to meet those requirements. The SOS offers periodic vocational support to each Authorized Minister every 3-5 years.  The SOS oversees the process for Licensed Ministers, Lay Ministerial Standing, Dual Standing, Ecclesiastical Endorsement, periods of Leave of Absence, and requests for Exempt Standing.  The SOS also oversees transfers of standing in and out of the RMC. 

The Accountability Subcommittee is charged with the responsibility of holding those with standing accountable for the conduct and assessing their continued qualification for ministry in and on behalf of the entire United Church of Christ. Members on the ACS have two primary processes by which to hold those with standing accountable. The first is through information reviews.  Information reviews require those with standing to complete an Annual Information Review form so the COM can confirm each person’s most up-to-date contact information and ministry setting. Space is also provided on the form to indicate which peer support, boundary awareness, anti-racism, and continuing education programs were completed in the last year.  The second is through fitness reviews.  As needed, this accountability process may be conducted in response to questions regarding unhealthy behavior or misconduct of a person with standing in light of the UCC Ministerial Code. Members of the ASC will be trained and equipped to guide the fitness review process for the COM. In addition to the information reviews and the fitness reviews, the ASC will work to build and train Response Teams and Process Guides for the Fitness Review Process.