Daryl Schreiber Says Goodbye to the RMC

Dear Friends,

I have exciting, yet difficult news to share. After spending some time reflecting on my life and career goals, I have made the tough decision to accept a new role at another nonprofit organization, Water for People.

Sadly, I will be saying goodbye to my role here at the RMC on October 15th. I know the work of the Conference will continue to grow and evolve to new heights with the help of our dedicated staff, to whom I want to extend the most sincere thanks for the 3+ years of opportunity, growth, and trust.  

I will of course miss those who I have come to know and love through the RMC, but I will keep up on news, and perhaps when in-person events resume I may see some of you again. I’m very excited to continue working in the nonprofit field and am looking forward to new challenges while being so grateful to all the RMC has given me. 

Thank you for being on this journey with me! 
Kindly, Daryl Schreiber 

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