Refugee and Migration Ministries Toolkit

Churches can take specific actions to help the tens of thousands of at-risk people now arriving in the U.S. from Afghanistan. That was the word from immigration experts — and a former refugee herself — in a Sept. 11 United Church of Christ webinar. The 90-minute presentation, “Training for UCC Churches: Serving Afghan Refugees,” can be viewed now at this link at the UCC YouTube channel.

The webinar builds on a new, free toolkit for churches. It gives tips on welcoming and advocating for Afghan refugees and holders of special immigrant visas.

The webinar features:

It’s a fitting mission for a church that’s all about “welcoming the stranger and loving our neighbors,” wrote the Global H.O.P.E. team in the toolkit. “Together, we can make a difference in the lives of refugees and migrants, as well as influence the ways that we stand in relationship to our global commitments.”

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