New Faces in the RMC Office

We are pleased to introduce our new RMC Staff Lineup!



We figure the best way to introduce everyone is to point them out in the picture above and tell you about their role. We’ll also fill you in on their availability, so you’ll know when you can reach them or when they can return your call. 

Starting from far left, and without further ado:


Daryl Gerboth—Executive Admin (Part Time)
She started with us on Monday, May 7, but Daryl is no stranger to the RMC—her other part-time gig is with Lakewood UCC as their Communications Director! She’s learned a lot very quickly, and is proving to be an enthusiastic and proactive member of the team.

Daryl will be in the office Monday through Friday from 1 to 5pm, and can be reached at or 303.984.9118, ext. 4


Cory Kibler—Director of Communications Ministries
Cory is old news, but he loves talking about himself in the third-person, and just couldn’t resist writing this blurb!

He’s in the office full time from 9:30 to 5:30Monday through Friday, and is glad to help however he can. He can be reached at or 303.984.9118, ext. 1.


Elliott Kibler—Full Time Adorable Infant
Listen, Elliott’s a baby, and she insisted on being in this picture. Her mom Lara tried to talk her out of it, but it just wouldn’t do. And somehow, Elliott also finagled an (unpaid) job with the RMC. She can’t really be reached at any time, and works from home, and really doesn’t do that much work. But she’s special!


Rev. Sue Artt—Conference Minister
Sue’s been here for almost five years, and in doing so, has earned herself a VERY well-deserved Sabbatical! Her first day of Sacred Rest will begin August 10, and she’ll be back in the office on Monday, November 26. Before and after that, she can be reached at and 303.984.9118, ext. 2.

While Sue is away, Rev. Ron Patterson will be providing Sabbatical coverage for the RMC. During that time, you will be able to reach him at and 303.984.9118, ext. 2. He’ll be in the office part-time, and you will have a chance to meet him in person at this year’s Annual Celebration.


Rev. Erin Gilmore—Associate Conference Minister
Erin’s coming up on her first full year with the Conference, and we are still so glad to have her! In that short time, she’s been all over the map, working with our churches on vitality, search & call, mission, revisioning, and much more.

She’s often on the road, and can best be reached at either or 801.694.6300.


Rev. Chris Gilmore—Faith Nurture Program Associate (Part Time)
Along with being the full-time Lead Pastor for Sixth Avenue UCC in Denver, Chris has been working with us as an Outdoor Ministry contractor for about a year and a half. If you’ve sent your children to our camps recently, or have attended yourself, you’ll know that he’s done amazing things! His duties will phase out in September of this year, and his replacement will be announced this summer. We are continually amazed at his investment, involvement, and care for our RMC youth.

You can reach him at and 720.384.7028.


Janice Travis—Financial Associate (Part Time)
Janice joined us in April and hit the ground running! Previously a full-time retiree, she has a long and experienced financial career behind her, and wanted a role in which she could work part-time doing something she loves for a cause she believes in. She’ll oversee all things financial, and her knowledge and experience is already quite apparent.

With a few one-off variations, Janice will be in the office all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She can always be reached at We’re getting her phone installed in the next few weeks, and once we do, you’ll be able to reach her at 303.984.9118 as well (ext. forthcoming).

And, last but not least…


Jan Hepp—Outgoing Temporary Executive Admin and Amazing Human
Jan’s leaving us as of today (Friday), May 11, but please try not to hold that against her. She’s technically retired, although you wouldn’t know that by looking at her schedule, and we are so thankful to her for literally keeping the Conference Office running smoothly for the last few months. She’s professional, thorough, friendly, helpful, and a true team player. Best of all, she brings a serenity and humor that will be sorely missed.

Jan can’t be reached here any longer, because she’s retired, by gum. Leave the poor woman alone! Unless you want to tell her how great she is, in which case, we approve.


Please join us in giving our new staff a hearty welcome. 

This new incarnation of the team is top-notch and highly specialized, and we’ve already begun improving processes, shoring up records, and filling in the gaps. As always, we look forward to serving you—our churches—the very best we can.

With Gratitude,
Erin, Daryl, Janice, Sue, Cory, and Chris—your RMC Staff