The United Church of Christ and the National Council of Churches have joined forces to offer faith-based organizing training to the wider church and beyond.
During this Advent season of viral pandemics, racial injustice, economic uncertainty, physical isolation, and socio-political strife, how does one prepare for what is to come? Advent is the season Christians are called to prepare for the coming of Jesus in the world and, with Jesus, the in-breaking of justice.
What distinguishes faith-based organizing from other training is our reason why. These pieces of training are built on a foundation of discipleship.
What will the world look like when justice comes?
And how do we prepare for its arrival?
We have gathered four nationally recognized organizers and trainers, each paired with a theological reflector, to help us interrogate both these questions and the sacred text that undergirds our discipleship in this area.
Over the course of four sessions, participants will gain tools for: basic organizing & embodiment; direct action & risk assessment; communication & accompaniment; trauma care and healing space. Each session also includes space for interaction, questions, and downloadable resources.
We hope that you will share this opportunity with your congregations and register to join us. Learn more at
With Hope & Faith,
Rev. Traci D. Blackmon
Associate General Minister
Justice & Local Church Ministries
The United Church of Christ

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