Each year, we have an opportunity to step out of our local church setting and radically connect with other RMCUCC church members and clergy. One way we experience “conference” is by volunteering to serve each other as members of Conference leadership teams. These teams include (but are not limited to):
- The Board of Directors and its focused subcommittees (Finance, Personnel, and Nominating)
- The RMC delegates to the bi-annual UCC General Synod
- The RMC Endowment Fund Trustees
Are you feeling called to share your spiritual gifts? Do you know someone else who has skills or experience, and who may be interested? The time to let us know is now! We invite your nominations from now through the start of our Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah on June 9, 2016.
Follow this link to learn more about these opportunities and submit your nomination(s). Any member of an RMC church is eligible and encouraged to serve, as are all clergy with standing in the RMC.
Please share this information with others in your church to further extend our invitation.
Your Nominating Committee:
John Rostykus at john.rostykus@gmail.com or (303) 709-5404
Kari Collins at kccollins@iliff.edu or (303) 921-5468
Karen Caton at topcatkc@aol.com or (970) 245-0193