What’s New with Conference Minister Rev. Sue Artt

After a mini-sabbatical over the last two weeks of the year, Sue is working to clear the backlog of email and other requests, along with kick-starting new projects for 2020…among those, a new look at transition/interim ministry, continuing the development of the Conference-Wide Committee on Ministry, and a fresh look at what it means to be “In Covenant” as a part of the United Church of Christ.

Travels in January will take Sue to various churches throughout the Conference, a couple workshop days at LaForet, a Conference Ministry Community of Practice gathering in Florida, and to Eden Seminary in St. Louis where she serves on the Board of Trustees.

Sue thanks the many people in the Conference who have sent congratulatory notes and wishes on the birth of her first grandchild, Victoria Sidney Potter, on December 5, 2019.  Adorable baby, happy mom and dad are all doing well.  Grandma Sue is elated and thinking Erma Bombeck was right in advising one to have grandkids first!

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