UCC Webinar—What’s Possible? Faith and Climate Policy in 2021

After the Georgia Senate runoff election on January 5th, we will know the legislative landscape for the new Congress. What will be possible for climate policy? Aside from congress, what might President Biden accomplish through executive orders?

This webinar will address these questions with an eye toward what faith communities can do to put their values into action in pressing for the kind of climate policies urgently needed in this time of crisis and inequality. The featured panelists will be Anthony Rogers-Wright from the Climate Justice Alliance, Emily Wirzba from the Environmental Defense Fund, and Clarence Edwards from the Friends Committee on National Legislation. Even if you can’t make the webinar’s scheduled time on Wednesday, January 13th at 1 pm ET, still sign-up, and we will send you a recording of it. Sign up now to join the webinar!

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