In response to professional healthcare workers’ needs on the home front, Church in the Wildwood UCC’s Sisters Helping Sisters (SHS)* ministry shifted from making feminine hygiene products for women and girls abroad to making Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers and first responders here at home.
During this pandemic, they have become Sisters Helping Others (SHO) making cloth face masks and “Ear Savers.” Chafed earlobes and scalps are new consequences for professional workers, from long hours wearing face masks with ear straps. Our sisters learned of a way to make headbands with buttons to loop mask straps around, and began supplying them to agencies in need. Pikes Peak Regional Hospital in Woodland Park posted a heartfelt thank you on CWW’s Facebook page for this mission of mercy. The caption with photos stated, “Looping masks on those buttons is such a blessing for our ears!! Thank you!!!”
* Church in the Wildwood UCC’s Sisters Helping Sisters is funded in part by In the Mud Community Engagement Grants.
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