Category: Synod
General Synod 2021 Rescheduled for an Online Experience
Hello RMC, I just received word from John Dorhauer that General Synod 33, set for Kansas City in the summer of 2021, has been rescheduled for an online experience, no…
Synod Reflection from RMC Moderator Kay Grice
Greetings Rocky Mountain Conference and thank you for the opportunity to represent you at our 32nd General Synod. General Synods challenges us to be fully open and present to the…
Deploying Our Conference Ministry
As a Conference Staff, we’ve always traveled. The sheer size of our Conference—about 300,000 square miles—demands it. With two full-time Conference Ministers, two full-time non-clergy staff, and one part-time Outdoor…
Call to Synod 2017: Baltimore, June 30-July 4
To everyone in the Rocky Mountain Conference: You are cordially invited to attend General Synod 2017 in Baltimore! This year’s theme: Make Glad! Read Rev. John C. Dorhauer’s Welcome Letter…