Category: News
Free Stuff from the Rocky Mountain Conference!
The RMC is doing a little early Spring Cleaning! We have several items in our Conference Office that we no longer have room for, such as a couch, filing cabinets,…
“In the Flesh and Beyond” Art Show Now Accepting Submissions!
On Friday, April 7, Berkeley Community UCC in Denver will host “In the Flesh and Beyond,” an art show that asks artists to contemplate their own vision of Jesus. The…
Honoring Rev. W. Bruce MacKenzie
Wednesday evening, we received notification from Rev. Christina Braudaway-Bauman (First Cong. Boulder) about the passing of Rev. W. Bruce MacKenzie earlier this week. Rev. MacKenzie was the Pastor Emeritus of…
Jan. 1-Feb. 15, 2017: FREE Websites for RMC Churches
We are pleased to announce an extremely exciting offer from Ministry Designs, the United Church of Christ’s web-design partner. From January 1 to February 15, 2017, Ministry Designs will design…
Merry Christmas! Conference Office Closed Dec. 23 – Jan. 3
Beginning Friday, December 23 and ending Tuesday, January 3, the Rocky Mountain Conference Office will be closed for the holidays. All phone calls and emails will be answered upon our…
Go Tell It On the Mountain: Issue #1
After a very contentious event in early November, we shared a few sermons from RMC pastors that really hit the nail on the head. Or gave us hope. Or made us…
Call to Synod 2017: Baltimore, June 30-July 4
To everyone in the Rocky Mountain Conference: You are cordially invited to attend General Synod 2017 in Baltimore! This year’s theme: Make Glad! Read Rev. John C. Dorhauer’s Welcome Letter…
RMC Signs Ecumenical Statement on Homelessness
On November 12, the Colorado Council of Churches released an ecumenical statement on hunger and homelessness in recognition of National Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week. The Rocky Mountain Conference is…
Congregations Alive 3 Registration is LIVE
Congregations Alive! 3, which will take place Thursday, February 2 to Saturday, February 4, 2017, is now accepting registrations online! The early-bird registration special will end at midnight on December 15….
RMC Clergy Responds to Presidential Election
It has been an extraordinarily contentious and drawn-out election season, and theoretically, it ended last Tuesday evening. But we have seen that our nation’s true test has only begun. We…