The ACS is charged with the responsibility of holding those with standing accountable for the conduct and assessing their continued qualification for ministry in and on behalf of the entire United Church of Christ. Members on the ACS have two primary processes by which to hold those with standing accountable. The first is through information reviews. Information reviews require those with standing to complete an Annual Information Review form so the COM can confirm each person’s most up-to-date contact information and ministry setting. Space is also provided on the form to indicate which peer support, boundary awareness, anti-racism, and continuing educations programs were completed in the last year. The second is through fitness reviews. As needed, this accountability process may be conducted in response to questions regarding unhealthy behavior or misconduct of a person with standing in light of the UCC Ministerial Code. Members of the ASC will be trained and equipped to guide the fitness review process for the COM. In addition to the information reviews and the fitness reviews, the ACS will work to build and train Response Teams and Process Guides for the Fitness Review Process.
Contact Information: The Co-Chairs of the Accountability Subcommittee (ACS) Ronda Connoway and John Rostykus, and they can be reached at