Standing Requirements


Below are the requirements set forth by the Supportive Oversight Committee of the Conference-wide Committee on Ministry for all Authorized Ministers (AM) seeking to maintain standing in the Rocky Mountain Conference.

Annual Information Review

Each year, Authorized Ministers are required to complete an Annual Information Review (AIR).  In this way, the Rocky Mountain Conference can maintain up-to-date ministry setting and contact information.

Completing an AIR also affords Authorized Ministers an opportunity to report on other standing requirements, as well as request contact or other information from the Conference.  The Accountability Committee of the CW-COM oversees the Annual Informational Review at the beginning of each calendar year.

Questions about the Annual Information Review or to provide mid-year updates should be directed to 

Lifelong Learning

In the Rocky Mountain Conference, we recognize that learning is a responsibility that continues throughout a minister’s lifetime.  This occurs through education, experience, and exposure.  Lifelong Learning is the umbrella term the Committee on Ministry uses; it incorporates Anti-Racism Training, Healthy Ministry Relationships (Boundary) Training, and Continued Learning.

The Supportive Oversight Committee of the Committee on Ministry is responsible for defining requirements and supporting Authorized Ministers in understanding and completing these requirements. 

  • Anti-Racism Training:  Except for clergy who have been granted exempt status, all Authorized Ministers (AMs) are required to engage in anti-racism training as an on-going part of their ministry and leadership development.   As such, every Authorized Minister is required to complete a foundational course in anti-racism no later than December 2025.  After the initial foundational course, AMs are required to engage in further learning and development at least every 3 years.

    Follow this link to view the full Anti-Racism Training requirement document:
  • Healthy Ministry Relationships:  Except for clergy who have been granted exempt status, all Authorized Ministers (AMs) are required to take a foundational course in Healthy Ministry Relationships (Boundary) Training. 

    Active Retired Authorized Ministers are required to take a 3-hour course designed specifically for Retired Ministers.  (“Active Retired” means continuing to serve as an Authorized Minister in any public ministry such as but not limited to:  interim ministry, pulpit supply, on-call chaplaincy. )

    Following the foundational course, AMs are required to complete one specialized course of their choosing at least every 3 years.  These courses may address gray areas of ministry, burnout and self-care, social media, etc.   These trainings will be offered in response to topics suggested by clergy and congregations, and are intended to benefit clergy in their ministry setting.

  • Continued Learning:  Beginning in 2024, Authorized Ministers are required to complete at least 15 hours of Lifelong Learning each year.  Included in these hours are Anti-Racism training and Healthy Ministry Relationships (Boundary) training.  

    The balance of these annually-required hours can be met through in-person events, on-line webinars, podcasts, communities of practice, or self-directed learning.   Choices should support the Authorized Minister’s professional needs, either as introductions to specific subject matter or as in-depth studies.

    Documentation:    All completed education hours must be reported.   Where certificates of completion are not available, a self-generated description of content hours must be submitted, including mention of how this/these studies was/were relevant in one’s ministry setting.   This documentation must be directed each year to  by December 15th.

    *Training Expenses:   Clergy serving local churches are encouraged to use their continuing education allowances when enrolling in fee-based learning opportunities.   The Anti-Racism Ministry Team may have funds for partial underwriting; this will be first-come, first-served.   Clergy are also encouraged to reach out to their association leadership to explore possible financial underwriting for fee-based learning.      

Vocational Support Consultation

The UCC Manual on Ministry recommends a Vocational Support Consultation with clergy every 3 to 5 years to “reduce isolation, honor the evolving call of the spirit, and provide for an ever-deepening relationship between the Committee on Ministry and those ministers who hold standing” in the Conference.

The Supportive Oversight Committee of the Conference-wide Committee on Ministry organizes these (largely) Zoom-based consultations.  Those wishing to request a Vocational Support Consultation should contact the Supportive Oversight Committee Co-Chairs at or indicate this on your AIR form.   Please reply promptly when you are contacted by a member of the Supportive Oversight Committee to schedule this important consultation.  

Wider Church Participation

As a way of living out their covenantal relationships, Authorized Ministers are strongly encouraged to participate in the life of the wider church in the following ways: 

  • Attend an RMC Annual Celebration 
  • Attend Fall/Spring Association Gatherings 
  • Participate on an Association, Conference, or National Committee  or Ministry Team 

Requests for Exemptions, Deferments, or Determinations of Content Equivalencies

Those Authorized Ministers wishing to request a standing requirement exemption, a deferment of a requirement, or the granting of an equivalency for a required training (Healthy Ministry Relationships and/or Anti-Racism) should contact the Supportive Oversight Committee Co-Chairs at   Please allow time for the Committee to return to you with a decision.

This document was most recently revised November 15, 2023.