Search and Call

What is Search and Call?

Search and Call is the process by which authorized ministers and congregations come together for shared ministry in the name of Jesus Christ and on behalf of the United Church of Christ. Search and Call takes considerable time and thoughtfulness, with prayerful attention to both logistical detail and the movement of God’s Spirit. It is expected that authorized ministers and local congregations work closely with Conferences and Associations while engaged in Search and Call.

Sample Call Agreement (download)

Local Church Profile (download)

Churches in Pastoral Transition 
Reach out to Associate Conference Minister, Rev. Erin Gilmore, for assistance with resources, including: The Guide to Pastoral Search & Call for Local Churches the Local Church Profile, an understanding of Ministerial Profiles, issues of diversity in the search and call process, and an online listing of your open position at UCC Ministry Opportunities.

If you are looking for additional Search and Call resources, we invite you to contact Melissa McCarl (, our Office & Digital Administrator, so that we can send you an introductory packet with more information about Search and Call.

Ministers in Search
The Guide to Pastoral Search & Call for Ministers/Candidates in Search provides discernment tools and practical help during the search process. Use the following tools for professional networking: The Snapshot as your online UCC business card, the Ministerial Profile, and open positions listed at UCC Ministry Opportunities

Maintain an account in the Ministerial Profiles system (where both the Snapshot and Profile are created) to demonstrate your availability to serve as a special resource person, supply minister, designated-term minister, intentional interim minister, and/or settled minister. If you’re a minister from another denomination and you hope to seek a call within the United Church of Christ, you should first be in conversation with your local UCC Association.

Intentional Interim Ministers
The Guide to Pastoral Search & Call for Intentional Interim Pastors provides logistical and liturgical tools for the interim season. Use the Local Church Profile to assist the momentum and work of the congregation during an interim season. You may work closely with the governing body or a transition team to engage the whole congregation in discovery, assessment and/or healing, in preparation for the call of a next settled minister. Always work collegially with conference staff and help the congregation do the same.

Specialized training for intentional interim ministers is available through the Interim Ministry Network and affiliates. Support and advocacy for intentional interim ministers can be found through membership in the Association of United Church of Christ Intentional Interim Ministers (AUCCIIM)Note: The ethics of professional transitional ministry dictate that no minister serving under interim terms of call is eligible to be considered a candidate for the settled position when it becomes available.

Search and Call Staff 
In support of a congregation in its ministerial search, we meet with a church’s governing body to help a congregation plan its approach and timeline, and then again with the search committee after it’s formed to equip the search process with tools from the wider church. We work with church leaders and ministers in search to understand and ground the work of coming together to form a Call Agreement.