Saint NICU provides care packages for families in the NICU over the holidays. It was founded by former RMC staff member Cory Kibler. Saint NICU is based in Lincoln, Nebraska, were Cory, his wife, Lara, and daughter, Elliot, now live.
It was founded by the Kiblers after their daughter Elliott was born prematurely just before Christmas of 2017. Elliot was in the NICU for about eight weeks. Lara and Cory relied on friends, hospital staff, and kind strangers for support. In particular, they were moved when other parents who’d been in their shoes visited with gifts, notes, and hope.
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For real, this is an honor and I’m so stoked to be able to help get more people involved. What a blessing. People are good. Despite what the national media seems to want us to believe, most people are out there trying to do the right thing.
– Cory Kibler
We believe EVERY family deserves holiday cheer, and that goes double for families with a child in the NICU! Learn more here.