Salt Lake City, Utah – On Friday, June 10, 2016, the voting membership of the Rocky Mountain Conference elected the Rev. Sue Artt as their Settled Conference Minister. The vote took place at the Rocky Mountain Conference’s Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City. After the vote, Rev. Dr. Gayle Engel of the National Setting provided powerful words of support and wisdom, and led us in a laying of the hands on our newly elected Conference Minister.
After decades serving as an executive with Mobil Oil, the Rev. Sue Artt was called to ministry in the wake of the 1999 Columbine High School shootings. She attended Eden Theological Seminary before serving St. Paul UCC in Nashville, Illinois. She has served in lay and clergy positions at the local, regional, and national level.
Sue is Moderator of General Synod 31, which convenes in Baltimore in June 2017. She sits on the UCC Board of Directors, its Executive Committee, and the UCCB Board Leadership Team.
In her time with the Rocky Mountain Conference, Sue has shown inspirational leadership, effectively managed both transitions and crises, and has prioritized the health and vitality of local churches, Associations, and Conference alike. She has overseen a successful and smooth staff transition, pushed for innovation, and energized fellow Conference leadership. In doing so, she has worked tirelessly and passionately to bring our Vision Framework to life.
Together, we as a Conference are extraordinarily excited about our future, and recognize that we are living in a time of great transformation in the church and in the world. In this time of realized discernment, we pray that the Spirit will shepherd us as we build the church of the future together. Amen.