Moderator’s Report: Annual Celebration 2024

Greetings, all! Here’s my report on the Annual Celebration last week:

After dinner on Thursday, we opened the Annual Celebration with a simple and beautiful worship service in the chapel at La Foret. This year’s theme was “Blessed Flexibility,” based on 2 Corinthians 4:5-12, which says we hold “this treasure” of both Christ’s death and life in “clay jars.” So, we acknowledged our frailty, as well as the lasting strength we’ve received to hold both the heartbreak and the joy and beauty of walking in this way together. We remembered those who’ve gone before us, individually and collectively, and gave thanks. 

We continued our time on Friday morning with a presentation from Rev. Dr. Courtney Stange-Tregear of the Cornerstone Fund, which invites small and large investments that provide reasonable interest rate loans to UCC ministries and respectable returns to investors. A “Reimagining Church Space” panel then discussed how several settings in the RMC are leveraging their properties to express God’s love and justice to their neighbors and communities. 

On Friday afternoon, we held the business portion of Annual Celebration. With 137 attendees (voting delegates and guests) from at least 39 churches, both online and in person, we had a solid quorum. We approved the FY 2024-25 budget, expressed support for the 3-year Transition Period Proposal, and elected this year’s slate of nominees to fill roles on various ministry teams. All three items passed decisively and can be found here. Official draft minutes should be out within a couple weeks.

Friday evening, we enjoyed a groovy ‘70’s-themed dinner in honor of our 50th Anniversary as a Conference (the RMC was formed by the joining of the Intermountain Conference with the Colorado Conference in 1974). 

After breakfast on Saturday, we had Association meetings, then gathered to hear about “Investing in Our Future” (see below for one upcoming opportunity). Then the youth track closed out our time by leading us in a creative and uplifting Communion worship service.

There’s no way I can list everyone who helped make the magic happen at AC: the tech team, youth track leaders, organizers and info trackers, worship & devotional leaders, La Foret staff, board members, conference staff, decorators and arts & crafts suppliers, and all those who attended online or in person. Thank you! I so enjoyed all the connection, laughter, productivity, and deep refreshment. And I’m excited to start putting plans into practice.


  • Eleanor Downey is providing an online grant-writing workshop on August 13 & 14 (6-8:30pm) for up to 20 people; the registration link will go live on July 1. 
  • The RMC office building is still under contract. After a few delays for the buyer’s small business loan, we’re hopeful it will close on July 5. Fervent prayers welcome!
  • We’re thinking about holding next year’s Annual Celebration in two parts: an online business meeting earlier in the spring (allowing everyone to attend for free), followed a few weeks later by an in-person gathering. This would provide more space and continuity during the in-person part to worship (with online streaming), build relationships, share resources, and further our transitional work. Whether or not we hold the 2025 AC in two parts, we are definitely slated to gather in Loveland, CO on June 19-21, 2025. So, mark your calendar and send your feedback on the two-part AC idea.

Phew! That was a lot! Thanks for reading this far. And thanks so much again for your commitment to the ministries of the Rocky Mountain Conference. 

Peace to you,
Rev. Dr. Sarah Linn
Moderator, RMC Board of Directors