The Rocky Mountain Conference and La Foret Conference & Retreat Center cordially invite you to attend one of our La Foret Open Houses!
- Saturday, March 18 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at La Foret
- Thursday, March 23 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the RMC Conference Office
These events are open to ALL. We especially invite those parents, clergy, youth leaders, and youth who don’t currently have connections to (or knowledge of) our outdoor ministry at La Foret. Whether you’re a longtime visitor to La Foret or just interested in finding out more, these informal and fun Open Houses will be a wonderful way to connect to the Outdoor Ministry of the RMC.
We have seen that, time and time again, our camps change lives—at camp, campers experience profound confidence, acceptance, empowerment, and leadership opportunities, all while forging friendships and spiritual practices that will last a lifetime. At these open houses, you’ll hear personal and powerful stories from camp leaders, campers, youth ministers, and more. You’ll also have a chance to learn about La Foret, its history, and its mission. Food will be provided at both events.
Have questions? Want to attend but can’t? Contact Rev. Chris Gilmore, the Rocky Mountain Conference Outdoor Ministry Leader, at or 720.384.7028.
Already a fan of La Foret? Awesome! We hope you will:
- Consider attending to share your powerful story of transformation at La Foret. Contact Rev. Chris Gilmore ( to let him know if you’re interested.
- Share this invitation with everyone you know. If you or your loved ones have been transformed in any way by La Foret outdoor ministry, we ask that you pay it forward and encourage others to attend one of our open houses. Email them this story, share it invite on social media, print it out and hang it up in your church—anything you can do to help spread the word is VERY much appreciated.
We hope to see you March 18 and/or March 23!