
Our Conference is very active in its work. Our ministry teams are busy building a strong infrastructure for our shared ministries and many of our programs are being received exceptionally well! The In the Mud Community Engagement Grants are sparking a renewed passion for reaching out and they are building value in our local communities in many and inspiring ways.

We have wonderful visions of being a leader in our United Church of Christ for both our stellar camp and conference facility, La Foret. Our “So That Teams” are working hard to enhance our Healthy Ministry Relationships, a renewed understanding and commitment to fully living our Covenant with each other, to facilitate Technology that can connect us all and enhance sharing ministry in our Rocky Mountain area. We have a team laser-focused on the needs of our Small Churches, and we will get to participate in the work of all these teams at our 2020 Annual Celebration.

This is a critical time of exploding growth in what our Conference is doing for all of us, and therefore, your gifts are critical to being able to fulfill our vision for the future. Please consider giving in support of our shared ministry! 

Church Dues: $15 per member due annually.

Special Offerings Documentation