This is Who We Are.
The Rocky Mountain Conference is a community of 73 United Church of Christ (UCC) congregations across Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and grounded in the Gospel, we seek to do the work of Jesus Christ in our homes, in our cities, and in our daily lives. We empower our congregations to build partnerships within their communities so that we can authentically engage the unique needs of individuals and neighborhoods across the West. We believe that walking in God’s love means celebrating diversity, honoring the gifts of all people, and seeking justice and peace for all, and so we joyfully embrace all who wish to do the same. Through advocacy and stewardship, prayer and worship, the RMC seeks to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ and to celebrate God’s presence in our lives and our communities.

How Are We Different?
For generations, the United Church of Christ has been proud to be a denomination of firsts. From the abolition of slavery and the ordination of Black pastors, to supporting marriage equality and women in ministry leadership, we celebrate this history and strives to uphold its legacy of inclusivity and justice.