Category: Social Justice
Metro Denver Churches Walk with PRIDE
On Sunday, June 16, 2019, several UCC churches gathered to march in Denver’s Pridefest Parade. Joining together for the sixth consecutive year, we had our largest turnout yet and were a part…
A World Full of Neighbors: Conversations to Heal Divides
Healing Partisan Divides- A New Adult Retreat at La Foret Experience a simple yet powerful method of conversation that values relationship over issue in three discussion sessions. Connect and network…
Listening Well, Leaning In Resources
It is hard to have important conversations with people you disagree with, in our current culture, increasingly so. Rev. Curt Preston and Rev. Mollie Landers Hatt of Lakewood UCC have…
First Plymouth Congregational Hosts Asylum Seekers
by Daryl Schreiber Late Sunday night, a bus of 55 asylum-seeking migrants, who had just been released in El Paso, pulled into Denver. First Plymouth Congregational UCC in Englewood sheltered 10 of…
Join an RMC BorderLinks Delegation
Rev. Chris Gilmore and Rev. Dr. Kari Collins of Sixth Avenue UCC, Rev. Dr. David Bahr of Park Hill UCC, and Rev. Curt Preston of Lakewood UCC are collaborating to…
Racial Justice Ministry Book Discussion
The United Church of Christ Racial Justice Ministry will host its first Book Discussion Webinar on Thursday, March 7, 2019, 10:00 am MT. You must register and proceed to the Racial Justice…
Introducing Faithful Tuesdays, by the Colorado Council of Churches
The Colorado Council of Churches (CCC) has announced it’s collaboration in a new campaign, Faithful Tuesdays! As people of faith, we believe we are called to live into our principles by advocating for a just…
Are Buildings Ministry, or are People Ministry? In Archway’s Case, it’s Both!
Submitted by Robb Lapp, President – Archway Housing and Services, Inc. Archway Housing and Services, Inc., a Mission Affiliate of the Rocky Mountain Conference UCC and 501(c)(3) non-profit, was…
An Epiphany Message from Rev. Sue Artt
To the beloved people of the RMC on this day of Epiphany: Many philosophers, scientists, researchers, and theologians propose the notion that “what we focus on expands.” I am a…
Reflections on a Vigil for Victims of Gun Violence
This past Wednesday, Dec. 12, First Plymouth Congregational UCC and First Universalist Unitarian (both in Englewood, CO) hosted their Candlelight Vigil to Remember All Victims of Gun Violence to honor the…