RMC Churches Join Colorado’s Largest-Ever Pride Parade

This past June, 10 UCC churches marched together in Denver’s Pridefest. On the 50th anniversary of Denver’s Pridefest Parade, 12 churches and over 100 marchers joined together (along with over 17,000 others) in the largest Pride Parade to date here in Colorado.

The Kirk of Bonnie Brae UCC, Washington Park UCC, First Plymouth UCC, Broomfield UCC, Park Hill UCC, Wheat Ridge UCC, Lakewood UCC, Salem UCC, Mayflower UCC, and Sixth Avenue UCC were part of the beautiful contingent of people celebrating the gifts our LGBTQIA+ community bring to the world. As we heard when we walked by the announcers. The Metro Denver UCC churches are proud to be a part of Denver’s 50th Pride. We love to bring an inclusive message of extravagant hospitality to a weary world. We are a church that celebrates love in all its expressions!
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