September 14, 2020
During the September 5th rally at the Colorado State Capitol, Pastor Tracy called for justice for the 5 members (one only 8 months old) of a Senegalese family murdered one month ago in a violent hateful act of arson in Green Valley Ranch. As you know Mountain View United Church has an on-going relationship with the Senegalese-Mauritanian Community through the African Leadership Group. We join with them calling for these murderous arsonists to be brought to justice. Please share this story in any way you can including social media. We need to raise our voices calling for justice for this family and community!
This past week, Drew and Josh received several intimidating and threatening texts from a neighbor who signed each of them “Making America Great Again.” Drew and Josh did file a report with the APD. Pastor Tracy and I are in conversation with them on how best we can support them going forward, maybe including some type of action in the neighborhood. For now, we are asking folkx to send them a note of encouragement, support, and solidarity letting them know they are not alone. Their address is 539 Racine, Aurora, CO 80011.
Rev. Wayne A. Laws(He/His/Him)
Minister of Social Justice & Mission
Mountain View United Church
September 1, 2020
This flyer is a follow up to the Mountain View United Church, Aurora Love Offering the RMCUCC prompted a few weeks ago. We were happily able to present the family with $3,000.
This Saturday there will be a “One-Month Memorial for the Diol Family.” The Senegalese Community and the African Leadership Group is asking for Denver Metro community members to come together to honor the lives lost and to ask folks who have information to come forward and work with police

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