Hello Rocky Mountain Conference!

I am so happy to be back at work after taking some time off for the birth of my daughter, Zelda.
I have stepped back into my role as Director of Communication and Databases a little early to help us address some urgent needs that have arisen in these rapidly changing times.
The first need I intend to address is our churches’ need for digital communications such as broadcasting church services, using Zoom for small group meetings, and using Facebook to engage your community. I will be compiling a basic guide on how to live stream your Sunday worship service in the next day or two. These resources will be available here on the RMC website, as well as emailed directly to our pastors.
As news develops, we are increasingly aware that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will be widespread and long-lasting. We will be challenged to come up with new ways to be the church in these difficult days. I am proud of the immediate action taken by so many of our churches to curb the spread of the virus, and have faith that through ingenuity we can create meaningful online spaces within which we can connect with one another.
Like all staff of the RMC, I will be working remotely for the remainder of March. If you need any assistance with your church’s communications please email me. I look forward to hearing from you!
Kindly, Daryl
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