Congregations Alive! 3, which will take place Thursday, February 2 to Saturday, February 4, 2017, is now accepting registrations online! The early-bird registration special will end at midnight on December 15.
This biennial event (and third in this series) will again be held at First Plymouth Congregational UCC in Englewood—our most generous and welcoming host church!
This three-day Conference-wide gathering is designed to support and inspire churches, lay leaders, clergy, committees, and task forces in their mutual ministries. The theme for this 2017 event is:
An important goal is to encourage all parts of our church communities to work together in integrative ways, and to intentionally weave together and strengthen our ministries. Working together can often result in stronger and more effective ministries than individual efforts that are scattered and unconnected. And, any time we connect with our wider faith community, we rejoice in learning from and sharing with each other.
Keynote speakers include:
- Rev. Dr. John C. Dorhauer, General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ, author, pastor and visionary.
- Rev. Lee Ann Bryce, Worship Leader and Senior Minister at First Congregational UCC in Ft. Worth, TX. Lee Ann often resources seminars on worship, music and the arts.
- Rev. Dr. Leanne Hadley, Specialist in the Spiritual Lives of Children, seasoned Chaplain, author, and United Methodist Minister
From Thursday at 1 p.m. until Saturday at 2 p.m., we will engage in plenary sessions, worship experiences, and five (5) workshops you may choose from a collection of 29 tantalizing choices. Together, we’ll tackle a myriad of issues that challenge people of faith in our churches, associations, and conference. To help you choose your workshops, we’ve provided detailed descriptions of these workshops on the event website. To assure a space in the workshops of your choice, please sign up as soon as possible!
This event is not to be missed! Learn more at the Congregations Alive! 3 website, and register today through our online registration portal. Three meals will be catered by A Perfect Bite.